Thursday, January 22, 2009

Carlo's workflow

What is multimedia?

Multimedia is exactly what it sounds like its about using computers to make art and videos
using photo shop, after effects, and premiere. All of these are adobe programs. These can be very useful in the future because most advertising agencies use those programs and stuff. Also premiere and after effect can be used to make a lot of cool videos and add effects to those videos. We did a lot of photo editing as well that you can use to make ads and commercials. After effects is kinda a dumbed down version of premiere. while premiere has more advanced effects, after effects has more word and sound effects that sadly premiere cant fit into its already extensive library of effects. I suggest this class because not only will the tools you learn here be useful but it will also be fun. seeing your creations come to life and seeing that cool effect you added to your video is pretty awesome. Some things we did were cropping pictures, fixing pictures, cloning and doctoring sections of a photo. also we learned how to make videos fade in and out, we learned how to rotate it, crop it, move it and alot of other stuff. With premiere although we didn't really do alot with it i personally know that with it you can make planets explode, bullets fly, time stop, and even gravity vortexes. As you can see this class is very useful although it may get boring at times and it may seem hard once you get the hang of it its pretty cool.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My college reports

M.I.T- MIT is more about technology and applying it to everyday jobs like construction and other stuff.Master of Science. Graphic designer. a graphic designer from here gets to go onto a ms degree in the same school

I.T.T- Its more about computer graphic and design instead of engineering. Master of science. Graphic Designer. here a graphic designer is given more job opportunities

Devry- Devry is more about using computers in social environments like advertising. Master of science. Graphic designer. Here the graphic designer gets more degrees as well as job opportunities

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reflection Journal #5

1) What was the idea for your music video? My idea for the video was to make it funny so it doesnt choke people with holiday spirit but instead try to make them laugh a bit.
2) What type of effects did you use? I used opacity, rotation, size, and color effects.
3) What was the most difficult thing about using After Effects? It was hard to learn all the controls and shortcuts again
4) What was the biggest benefit you found from using After Effects? i finally used music and its much easier to make the pictures do stuff.
5) Was this easier than using Photoshop? Why or Why not? The start was hard but once you get the hang of it its easy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

P5PG3Carlos Peralta

this picture was made as a tribute to the clash but was really a project.Here i used a black and white filter and alot of inverse and cutouts.

P5DN9Carlos Peralta

in this picture i used a lot of filters like neon, cutout, colored pencil and plastic wrap. then i liquifyed the picture of manning who is the quarterback for the giants.

P5DN8carlos Peralta

This DN was composed of 4 pictures and i had to use a clone stamp with the heal tool and
some text wrap. it also had spme diffrent affects like burn and brighten.