Monday, October 27, 2008

collage project report

masks better help the Silhouette because it shows the picture inside of the outline. it also makes it easier to put the photo inside of the cutout. one image i found was of a close up mick from the clash playing his guitar. another photo was of the clash live in concert. one was of the famous "london calling" album. another one was of the hook em which represents him in a good way. the last one was of a spanish civil war bomber plane which represents the famous clash song"spanish bombs". The last one in which i put all of my photos was a picture of mick the lead guitarist of "The Clash". First i had to select the cutout, once i did that i had to create a work path. then i wrote something, copied it, and finally i pasted it on the outline of the cutout. then changed the spacing and text to make it more visible and awesome. i felt good about my final product because it looks really sophisticated and business looking. it looks like it could be on a c.d. cover or move poster i think it will really be useful and is just plain fun to do.