Monday, December 22, 2008

Reflection Journal #5

1) What was the idea for your music video? My idea for the video was to make it funny so it doesnt choke people with holiday spirit but instead try to make them laugh a bit.
2) What type of effects did you use? I used opacity, rotation, size, and color effects.
3) What was the most difficult thing about using After Effects? It was hard to learn all the controls and shortcuts again
4) What was the biggest benefit you found from using After Effects? i finally used music and its much easier to make the pictures do stuff.
5) Was this easier than using Photoshop? Why or Why not? The start was hard but once you get the hang of it its easy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

P5PG3Carlos Peralta

this picture was made as a tribute to the clash but was really a project.Here i used a black and white filter and alot of inverse and cutouts.

P5DN9Carlos Peralta

in this picture i used a lot of filters like neon, cutout, colored pencil and plastic wrap. then i liquifyed the picture of manning who is the quarterback for the giants.

P5DN8carlos Peralta

This DN was composed of 4 pictures and i had to use a clone stamp with the heal tool and
some text wrap. it also had spme diffrent affects like burn and brighten.

P5Pr4Carlos peralta

P5DN10carlos peralta

P5DN3carlos peralta